
What Does Brexit
Mean For F4E?
Since the 21st January this year the UK has no longer been part of the European single market.
The consequences of Brexit for online commerce is far-reaching and costly with customs duties now having to be paid on imported and exported good, in a similar way that merchandise bound for or coming from Switzerland or Norway. As a result, traders and manufacturers face more challenges, greater workload and increased costs.

“Our solution offers significant cost and time savings for traders and manufacturers who would like to continue to sell their goods smoothly in the UK’s e-commerce market or to expand into it,
Customs duty is paid on the goods as they are imported, and they are then stored by our F4E UK centre and packed and dispatched as instructed by the customer. Duty is no longer payable on individual items sent to consumers.
Customers also have a point of contact for advice and assistance with day-to-day business or with special cases.”
Heinz Karow, President of F4E
Helping to find ways through the red tape.
Within F4E a returns hub has been set up in each target country, so there is a local address for returns. The F4E location processes returns, notifies the receipt of goods via an interface and remits credits to end customers. As returns are shipped in bundles to the country of origin, this too reduces shipping costs.